Graham Gideon Oakeson was born 2/20/2009 just before 11pm via cesarean section. He weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 21 inches tall. Michelle and baby are both recoving nicely. Although last night was trying at times we couldn't be more happy and more tired so apologies to everyone whose calls and messages we've ignored; please accept these photos until we are able to catch up with everybody personally.
Michelle beaming with anticipation the night before.
At about 10am Michelle was induced. Twelve hours later we began discussing the possibility of c-section because the baby had failed to make the needed progress. Apparently the hospital has felt the sting of the failing economy because they put me in a painting suit someone found in the janitor's closet.
At about 10am Michelle was induced. Twelve hours later we began discussing the possibility of c-section because the baby had failed to make the needed progress. Apparently the hospital has felt the sting of the failing economy because they put me in a painting suit someone found in the janitor's closet.